Daily Archives: December 23, 2017

Swadeshi Indology-3: Tamil Nadu, The Land of Dharma

Swadeshi Indology Conference Series

The Swadeshi Indology Conference series is organized by the Infinity Foundation (India).  They have organized two editions already which have been successful and produced several high-quality Indic scholars who made excellent presentations and submitted  original research papers, which are accepted only after a double-blinded review. The SI-series and its format is path-breaking and an important contribution to Indic culture and dharma traditions and deserves all the support it can get. Those interested in contributing to Infinity Foundation or Infinity Foundation India can do so here.

Swadeshi Indology-1 Talks: Youtube Playlist.

Swadeshi Indology-2 Talks: Youtube Playlist.

Swadeshi Indology-3

SI-3 is conducted in IIT-Madras, and is focused on Tamil Nadu and has a wonderful lineup of talks on topics that are of importance to every Tamizhan. Here is the link to the SI-3 website. For more information about this conference, the lineup of speakers, and the topics, please read this detailed SI-3 website handout below.


We have storified the tweets on Swadeshi Indology-3 in the post below and will continue to update this section as more tweets are added.

#Swadeshi3 Storify

Storify of #Swadeshi3 public domain tweets on Twitter on December 22 and December 23. December 24 Proceedings to be Updated. TCP is an independent internet portal and is not affiliated with Infinity Foundation India.
